Temporal Research Anthropocene Consulting


Passion. Experience. Diligence.

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Temporal Research Anthropocene Consulting (TRAC) is a consulting business designed to offer two distinct services.

TRAC offers traditional cultural resource management services to public and private sector clients. TRAC can provide cost effective solutions to projects with logistical challenges or unusual parameters and mandates.

TRACs secondary mission exists to service the public and communities in a rapidly changing world. TRAC assists in providing grass roots response to the preservation of heritage. TRAC will respond to efforts by individuals, families, tribal organizations and/or communities to facilitate the preservation of cultural heritage. If you are interested in investigating history, the ancestral past, memory, or deep time then contact us. TRAC welcomes and encourages citizen partnership and the co-production of efforts to explore cultural heritage and knowledge about the past.

TRACs secondary mission is founded on the principle that connection with and knowledge about the past is essential for navigating the future.


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Christopher Borlas

Christopher Borlas began studying anthropology in 2001. He was compelled by coursework in cultural anthropology and physical anthropology. While earning his undergraduate degree he was drawn to themes of experimental archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, cultural heritage management, and indigenous archaeology. Mr. Borlas has been working as a professional in the field of cultural resource management since 2006. He has been fortunate to work on many projects on the east and west coasts of North America. He has familiarity working with the military, the army corps of engineers, private sector clients, tribal organizations, and local and state governments. Mr. Borlas has worked on many disaster response projects and on projects that have emergency responsive protocols and deadlines.



M.A. Anthropology 2014

B.A., Anthropology, 2006

Activities & Affiliations

• Society of American Archaeology
• American Anthropological Association
• Southeastern Archaeology Society

State Anthropology/Archaeology Organizations

  • Society of California Archaeology

    Supports mission of CDCA Coalition for Diversity in California Archaeology

  • Florida Anthropological Society

Badged FEMA Contractor






Activities & Affiliations






Activities & Affiliations